What ailment do you feel you have the most significant relationship with? Headaches? Hangnails? stuffy nose?

Write a 300 word ode to you and your ailment of choice.

  • Not necessarily your favorite book, but a book that if you see being read in public, is most likely to make you strike up a conversation?

  • We, not unlike the seasons, are prone to revert back and grow into various versions of ourselves. So, what version of you am I intersecting with today? (I like this question because it establishes early on that you understand the fluidity of a person. It creates a space in which a person is more willing to be honest — with you, and with themselves.)

  • I once heard that we tend to keep company with those who are asking the same questions as us. From looking at me, what questions do you think I am asking in life? What types of questions do you find yourself propositioned with in daily life?

  • Who in your life, aside from your parents, have you had the most meals with?

No matter your social acumen or anticipated comfort on a first date, it can’t hurt to have a few conversational lighters in your back pocket.

  • When in your life, not necessarily a particular moment, but a general environment, do you feel your funniest? Who in your life is prone to make you feel smart and loose? (Smart and loose is what I consider to be a more specific definition of funny)

  • How do first dates usually go for you? What goes well? What sometimes doesn’t. (Generally, I am a proponent of talking about the date as it is happening. I think it lowers the temperature and minimizes the pretense of it all.)

  • What is a quality you believe all of your friends share? What is the commonality?

  • I believe there are four categories of trips a family goes on.

    • Rest and relaxation

    • Cultural/urban immersion

    • Active/Outdoors

    • Intention to visit family

      So, with that being said, what types of trips did your family go on? I believe any good trip will possess at least two of the four categories.

  • Do you think people are more likely to know their blood type or know the name of the current Mayor from their hometown?

  • What is something your family is likely to tease or make fun of you for?

  • What is your tree story? (This is meant to be ambigious)

  • Of all the bedrooms you’ve called yours, which one is your favorite? why?

  • What is a word you identify as being yours?

  • What is one way in which you were raised differently?

  • If forced to rename yourself on the spot, what would be your new name? What about that names captures your essense?

  • What sport do you think is least hospitable to upsets?

  • Are you a frontyard or a backyard person?

  • What is your cities biggest issue? What is your hometowns biggest issue?

  • What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

  • Is there a business from your childhood that you had a relationship with, that is now closed?

  • Who are a few people you have met in the last 365 days that have made an impact on your life?

  • Describe a cultural fad you missed and why.